Biting Toddlers? Six Tips to Follow

Biting Toddlers? Six Tips to Follow

We’ve all been there—everything’s going great, and then out of nowhere, ouch! Your little one decides to bite. Whether it’s out of frustration, teething, or just experimenting, it happens. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back with 6 quick tips to stop the biting in its tracks!

1. Stay Cool & Keep It Simple

When your toddler bites, don’t freak out! Stay calm, look them in the eye, and say something like, “No biting! That hurts.” Short, sweet, and to the point—so they get the message loud and clear.

2. Find the Trigger & Offer an Alternative

Why are they biting? Frustrated? Teething? Or maybe just curious? Once you figure it out, give them something else to do—like expressing themselves with words (or giving them a teething toy if those teeth are on the move!).

3. Model Gentle Behavior

Show them how to be gentle! Give them lots of hugs, soft touches, and say things like, “We use gentle hands.” Toddlers learn by copying us, so show them what kindness looks like—and soon, they’ll start imitating your gentle moves instead of biting!

4. Offer Comfort and Distraction

If your toddler bites because they’re teething or feeling uncomfortable, help them out with something soothing! Try a cold teething toy, a soft snack, or a gentle distraction like their favorite book or song to shift their focus away from biting.

5. Teach Empathy

Help your toddler understand how biting affects others. After they bite, explain, “That hurt,” and show them how the other person feels. You can say, “Look, they’re sad because biting hurts,” so they start to connect the dots between their actions and the feelings of others.

6. Stay Consistent

Consistency is key! Every time your toddler bites, respond the same way with a calm but firm reminder that biting isn’t okay. The more consistent you are in handling it, the quicker they’ll understand that biting isn’t an option.


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